Showing 17 Result(s)

What factors determine “Ownership” in IMF Programs?

The International Monetary Fund is a lender of last resort to countries that have looming economic crises. The IMF would lend to these countries, on the condition that the money will be used to restore balance in the system, and that macroeconomic objectives would be attained. These “macroeconomic objectives” are not imposed, but rather, set …

Word2Vec NLP Project on IMF’s “Evenhandedness”

This project initially aimed to perform a sentiment analysis on Board of Directors’ minutes of the meeting regarding country matters, but I soon realized my expectations, that canned dictionaries don’t work for the IMF which has it’s own “Fund-glish”. Hence, with this project, I trained a corpus using IMF language, and performed some basic NLP …

1,000 songs to hear before you die

The dataset source is from the Guardian’s datablog. The 1,000 songs database only had 5 features: Theme, Title, Artist, Year, Spotify URL, so I attempted a beautiful soup webscrape of the wikipedia infobox. While I successfully scraped one, I realized it would be cumbersome to loop through all artists, particularly because they do not have standardized …